Battery vacuum cleaner robot Roomba series 500
Spare battery vacuum cleaner Roomba 500
Battery strong > for robot vacuum cleaner Roomba 500 series
replacement battery for Roomba vacuum cleaner robot. Replacement for all series 500 of Irobot Roomba.
If your robotic vacuum cleaner Roomba returns to the charging base increasingly rapid and just works a few minutes out of the base is that battery asks for a change.
Remember to fully charge Roomba battery before first use. Two complete cargas-descargas of battery is recommended to obtain 100% of autonomy.
For the change of the battery of your vacuum cleaner Roomba only have to follow the following paso:
.-Turn to your Roomba vacuum cleaner and put it with the poanza up.
-Unscrew and remove the brush Swivel Sweeper.
-Unscrew the four screws of the cover.
-Remove cover.
- Remove the battery that will be in place. Only has to grasp the two tapes that has the effect and pull them upward.
-Place the new power supply Roomba in the same position.
-Replace the cover and screw
-Place and screw the brushroll.
-Put your Roomba in the charging base for 14 hours.